
7 Replies to “Guestbook”

  1. “Wow your work is beautiful 🙂 I like your website very much ~ Kind greetings Chantelle”

    Chantelle de Bruin

  2. Love your work, especially some drawings and paintings that I guess were inspired by your own life … for instance “Tough times” or “support”.

    Can’t wait to see more ! 😀 XOXO

  3. Hey Tollarne, you HAVE been busy by the looks of things!! Some really cool stuff on here; liked some of the scrapbooks and people portraits, in particular. Be interested to check in at a later date to see more! ~ Jase
    P.S: Emperor; yeah I wish!

  4. I was just checking out some of your artwork and i love it it is very artistically and spiritually minded put 2gether absolutely creative intelligent beautiful artwork Tollarne. I’m very impressed keep up the good work

  5. i love your work Tollarne. It is amazing and the website is also very well done. I noticed a painting named Kori just wondering if it is of my son Kori or not? If it is it is very touching. Well done on your work you have done an amazing job keep up the great work.

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